The Bolton Landscape Blog

Category Archives: News

Good Bye Summer 16

Now that the “dog days of summer” are over, it’s time to get back to that “to do” list. It is time to start thinking of over seeding your lawn, Remember to wait until nature can help with cooler temps and hopefully more rain fall. We are asked a lot about organic products, here is… [read more]

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HorseShoe Pond

We are proud to support our local community and be part of this project. Have you driven by yet? Spread the love [read more]

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Rocks & Boulders

Fairfield County, CT is notorious for rocks & boulders. Sometimes it best to incorporate them into the landscape:) Spread the love [read more]

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Perennial Plants for Shady Areas  

Beyond seasonal weather and pesky deer, New England gardens may also struggle to survive shady conditions. Many of you ask us about what to do with shaded areas of your yard. Between tree coverings, your house and fencing, shade can happen from so many directions. A planting bed that receives three hours or less of… [read more]

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