The Bolton Landscape Blog

Category Archives: News

Earth Day Sparks Townwide Cleanup

Preserving Wilton’s Landscape Last Saturday marked the 47th annual Earth Day, celebrating and supporting environmental protection across the world. To join in on the effort, Jeff Lapnow and the Wilton Conservation Commission hosted the Townwide Cleanup Day, where friends, family, and neighbors all came together to clean up Wilton’s public areas and the banks of the Norwalk… [read more]

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Drought in Connecticut

Drought in Connecticut

Another Reason To Conserve It might be hard to believe considering the recent weather, but Connecticut is in the midst of one of the most severe droughts since the 1960’s.  Now we all know that Mother Nature has a mind of her own. Take California for example. After years of devastating drought, California is seeing… [read more]

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Jeff Lapnow Joins the Wilton Conservation Commission!

Bolton Landscape Design & Masonry is proud to announce our very own founder has been asked to join the Conservation Commission of the Town of Wilton, Connecticut. Jeff Lapnow assumed his position with the Wilton Conservation Commission in early February 2017. He brings a wealth of knowledge about local and exotic plants in Connecticut and… [read more]

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Where are my Hydrangeas?

Where are my Hydrangeas?

Hydrangeas are some of the most beautiful flowering shrubs we have in Fairfield County, Connecticut. You’ve probably seen them in summers past. Their beautiful flowers bloom in gorgeous pastel blues, pinks, purples, and greens. One particularly striking feature of certain Hydrangea varieties is the natural blending of colors in the flowers, creating an artistic gradient… [read more]

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Solution for an Icy Driveway

CAUTION: Slippery when wet…then frozen…and in need of grading! That’s what the sign should say by your driveway in the winter when you’re all frozen up. While it’s a common problem, ice buildup in your driveway is dangerous and inconvenient. A radiant heating system may alleviate the problem but they’re very costly to install and maintain.… [read more]

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The latest post from our blog...

Perennial Plants for Shady Areas  

Beyond seasonal weather and pesky deer, New England gardens may also struggle to survive shady conditions. Many of you ask us about what to do with shaded areas of your yard. Between tree coverings, your house and fencing, shade can happen from so many directions. A planting bed that receives three hours or less of… [read more]

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