The Bolton Landscape Blog

4 Easy Gardening Tips

1. How to Remove Salt Deposits on Clay Pots

  • Combine equal parts white vinegar, rubbing alcohol and water in a spray bottle.
  • Apply mixture to pot and scrub with a plastic brush.
  • Let pot dry before planting.

2. “Vegetable Soup”

  • Don’t pour out water from steamed or boiled vegetables.
  • Use it to water potted patio plants.

3. Increase Soil Acidity With Coffee and Tea

  • Use leftover tea or coffee grounds to acidify the soil.
  • Do this for acid loving plants such as Azaleas, Rhododendrons, camellias, gardenias and blueberries.

4. Quickest Way To Dry Herbs

  • Lay a sheet of newspaper on seat of car.
  • Arrange herbs in a single layer.
  • Roll up windows and close the door.
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Perennial Plants for Shady Areas  

Beyond seasonal weather and pesky deer, New England gardens may also struggle to survive shady conditions. Many of you ask us about what to do with shaded areas of your yard. Between tree coverings, your house and fencing, shade can happen from so many directions. A planting bed that receives three hours or less of… [read more]

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